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Persistent Get / Set Properties

These properties are persistent in that they involve URL definitions from the HTML page.
Name Description Ref. Page
argStr Specifies additional detail for the "urlSrc" 7-11
data Embeds the data statically in the control 7-17
delCols Specifies the columns to send for a delete operation 7-18
delUrl Specifies the remote process for delete operations 7-20
EnableUrls Boolean property which controls whether the control will be able to use the insert, update, delete, and refresh operations 7-21
insCols Specifies the columns to send for an insert operation 7-37
insUrl Specifies the remote process for insert operations 7-39
updCols Specifies the columns to send for an update operation 7-72
updUrl Specifies the remote process for update operations 7-73
updWhere Specifies the columns to send for an update operation 7-74
urlSrc A URL specifying the data source for the control 7-75

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